Site relaunch countdown!

Update: 01/03/2013

Just dropping by, the site is now moved to its new host and I am working on the new theme as we speak. You may notice a few images missing but they should be back shortly. I’m also going to start posting the new content I’ve been promissing for sooo long.


To say these last two years have been a blur would be a gross understatement. I’m still involved in the scene but once my professional career took off (and no, not racing) I was left with little time to devote to my passion. Couple that with “lil satan”, a new puppy that effectively trashed project 240sx (more on that to come) and the addition of a few more projects and a home remodel, well let’s just say I have been busy. Unfortunately, writing and this site took a back seat.

This site is something I have missed these last two years. And something I want to bring back. I’ve got a lot of new ideas, a lot of old projects I never wrote about and a broader scope for the site. Over the next couple of days, (tomorrow) this site is going dark. I am moving the server, reskinning the site and relaunching Driftopia. Faster, better and stronger. See you all on the other side.

By admin


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