This is becoming a theme for me and one I am not particularly happy about. The last two years have been full of change coupled with excessive work. I left a job and business that I worked for nearly 20 years, looking to move into a career around my passion. And before I could execute any such plan, an opportunity presented itself that was too large to ignore.

This opportunity is a lateral move into an emerging industry, with myself being a partner in a new startup. My workload has been insane, and I’m surprised I had a 2022 race season. And after the 944 Spec started having issues, I figured I was done for the season until the 5000-dollar Spec Miata showed up. I’ve driven the crap out of it to a few podium results, but at the end of the day, it’s a compromised car that needs significant work.
Where am I going with this?
Keeping this short and sweet, my work/life balance sucks, and I simply cannot ignore my passion for creating and racing anymore. Racing takes way too much effort to run another lackluster season, and that’s what I am facing if I don’t make drastic changes.
Racing has always been a creative pursuit, and I want/need to see the edge of my abilities.
I started Driftopia as a kid that knew nothing about cars. I taught myself every skill I needed along the way and tried to share that knowledge to the best of my ability. I want to be frank here: I have compromised that vision at every step to societal, familial, and workplace pressure, and it’s time to prioritize this place and racing. In short, I’m throwing down the gauntlet.
I can always work harder, make a little more money or pursue another idea outside of my passion. But at the end of the day … why? I’ve found my playground, and it’s time to enjoy the process again.