At this time of year, I usually write a farewell to (insert previous year here) message. And that is sort of what this is. But seeing as I did a pretty good job documenting 2024, I want to focus on this new year, 2025, instead.
Let me paint a picture. It’s the beginning of January, and I’m snowed in on a mountain in northern Alabama overlooking the beautiful Tennessee River. I sit next to the fireplace, sipping hot cocoa. The holidays and New Year’s celebrations are over, but instead of feeling at peace, I am antsy.
It really is quite lovely here.

To be blunt, I am antsy because the last few years have been rough. Without going into too much detail, I will say 2021 was a year of pain, 2022 and 2023 were years of unending work and disappointment, and 2024 was a year of healing and resetting the board, so to speak. This positions 2025 to be a breakout year. And I don’t want to waste the opportunities in front of me.
Building a Workshop
In 2025, my focus is on removing obstacles. One big obstacle is my lack of a workspace, which is why I have committed to building a 30 x 50 workshop on my property. I initially looked into commercial real estate in the area, but holy s#!t, the developers around here are on … something. So, with monopoly money off the board, I made the much more sensible decision to build a shop on my 7 acres of unrestricted land outside city limits. This will enable me to expand into more extensive and detailed projects and properly support my racing operation. I will also have some space and time to take on outside projects.
This is a huge priority, and the foundation is already in place. I am shooting for a completion date by the end of February.

Project Exo Car ‘Ghettocet’
The two weeks before the holidays came and went to complete this project. Namely, because the engine was absolute toast. After waiting a bit for parts, I finished the engine rebuild at the end of 2024. I am now waiting for the weather to improve so I can install the drivetrain and suspension, wire everything up, and fire it up. Some of you have asked, and I will write part 2 of rewiring the 1.6l NA Miata during this time. (part 1) I expect to make significant progress this coming week.

Racing in 2025
This is a big departure from the last few years, but I will make another run at a national championship this year. The 944 Spec field has begun returning quickly, and with the championships being held at Ozark International Raceway in Missouri, I’m in. I will be there in April to learn the track and in September for the championship. Fortunately, a lot of the heavy hitters are running in the Mid South region this year so we will get plenty of practice before the big show.

However, the 944 Spec won’t be my only focus this year. After finding the wall at NCM in the Super Touring 6 Miata last year, the car predictably needs some work. With a torqued windshield frame and hardtop, I want to make significant changes to the car and run it outside of the region in ST5. I have an idea to change things up and make it something truly special. More on that soon. (I have to get the ghettocet out of the way first.)
And There’s More
This is just a preview of what 2025 has in store at Driftopia. Quarter one will be busy, and there are still trips in the works, including a return to Formula Drift, competitive endurance racing, a few more builds, some deep dives, and some personal accomplishments and goals I will share throughout the year. And with the new shop and workspace, many options are opening up. So thank you for reading, and I will be back soon. Til then…