Aftermarket Lady Lumps

And no I am not talking about breast implants. What I want to know is do boobs make your car faster? Do they make you a better driver? Hell, I bet a purist would argue the converse and tell you that smaller is lighter and therefore better. Regardless, I received a flyer recently for a first annual drift and drag event sponsored by a local drift club and something caught my attention as slightly odd. I respect that some of us are into looks, some into speed and some into the culture, but one thing becomes clear with any enthusiast and that is keeping our priorities straight. Yeah, you probably still have no idea what I am talking about so I will break down this event’s pricing structure and maybe some of the die hard enthusiasts will catch onto this immediately. It goes a little like this:

  • Spectators – $10
  • Show-n-Shine – $20
  • Drag – $20
  • Drift – $50
  • Bikini Contest -$0 entry, $300 to win

Ok, ok, did you catch it. If not, let me point out that perhaps two things are amiss. First, this is a drift club and they are charging the drifters more money than anyone else to participate in the event. Guys, that’s a little messed up but even more erroneous is the little fact that the only cash prize for the event goes to the the bikini contest. Or to clarify, the only non-automotive event held that day. Now don’t get me wrong, girls are great. In fact that thought process may be why I am married to one but more importantly, this is a prime example of someone taking pop culture to the extreme. You see, pretty much every car show has girls at them. Some with more clothes on than others but what we have here is a reversal of priorities. We now have a bikini contest that happens to feature cars and seeing as this is a first ever event for this group, I would think they would find it advantageous to cater to their main audience, the enthusiasts.

Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong or maybe if I show up in a bikini I will get to drift for free. One thing still remains true, enthusiasts are not easily distracted by cheap thrills and a car event should first and foremost, feature cars as the main attraction.

By 240am


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