How does a season opener full of rain, snow, freezing temperatures, tornado warnings, and car trouble sound? It’s pretty intense and probably a bit much for most. And not the slightest bit unexpected for an event coined, ‘Summer in February.’
The internet has a way of making direct answers challenging to find and unnecessarily complicated. Unsurprisingly, removing the power steering from a Mazda Miata is no exception. The back-and-forth on the pros and cons is confusing and somewhat comical. That is why I am here to say resolutely that...
Driving at the limit is an art. If you truly understand that, you can drive anything fast. There is a feel to driving a racecar fast that, for some, is innate and, for others, a hard-fought journey to discover. I am fortunate to be a mix of both. But sometimes, as racers, we exceed a limit, whether...