When I first started racing a friend told me to go where the competition is. Simple advice really but as someone that likes to build it was definitely something I needed to hear. That is exactly what I did when I entered 944 spec with NASA Midsouth. A class with large fields at home as well in the...
Sim Racing in VR Part 2 (Enter PimaxVR)
VR resolutions are improving rapidly leaving the narrow FOV (Field of View) the biggest drawback in sim racing. Most mainstream headsets are in the 100 to 120 degree range limiting peripheral vision dramatically. This is fine in a lot of VR games but in sim racing, peripheral vision is a huge...
Sim Racing in VR Part 1 (Primer)
Racecar Prep: The Nuts and Bolts of Things
Mazda RX8: The Super Touring Performance Bargain
Lotus Elise: Rebuild Part 1 (Where to Start)
Lotus Elise (re)Introduction: The 1800 Pound Paper Weight
Why I Won’t Buy a New Truck (2015 Ram 2500 Cummins/6spd)
MEV Exocet: Introducing the New Track Car
The Last, Last Hurrah for Project 240sx: CA18DET Teardown
The Obituary of Project 240sx was supposed to be the last iteration of Project 240sx on the site but I came up with a little something extra. What we have here is a basic teardown of the bare ca18det that was found in Project 240sx in a quick photo journal style. You can read the comment below each...
Lotus Elise Larini Decat and Club Sport Exhaust (6in)
The Larini decat and club sport exhaust serves two purposes on project Lotus Elise. For starters, this combo along with the rear panel delete can easily yield weight reduction values approaching 25 lbs. The other purpose is to wake up the exhaust on the Elise because frankly, a car like this needs...