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NASA 944spec Road Racing: Bourbon Barrel

The Bourbon Barrel is the second event of the NASA Midsouth season. Taking place March 24th to 25th at the National Corvette Museum (NCM) in Bowling Green, Kentucky. This is a crossover event with the NASA Great Lakes region and always pulls large fields for 944spec. Saturday/Race 1 Rain is...

NASA Road Racing: Summer in February

What a weekend!  After what seemed like an extra lengthy off season, I was getting so antsy I would have raced in a blizzard; so the torrential downpour wasn’t an issue.  This was the season opener for the Mid-South region at our local track located in Millington, TN.  Pretty...

MEV Exocet: Introducing the New Track Car

Background This last year I spent countless track days pushing project Lotus Elise as much as possible; and as much as the Lotus shines on the track I have yearned for something more raw, more simplistic and as anyone with a Lotus knows, easier to work on and more importantly, less fragile. At...

The Last, Last Hurrah for Project 240sx: CA18DET Teardown

The Obituary of Project 240sx was supposed to be the last iteration of Project 240sx on the site but I came up with a little something extra. What we have here is a basic teardown of the bare ca18det that was found in Project 240sx in a quick photo journal style. You can read the comment below each...

Lotus Elise Larini Decat and Club Sport Exhaust (6in)

The Larini decat and club sport exhaust serves two purposes on project Lotus Elise. For starters, this combo along with the rear panel delete can easily yield weight reduction values approaching 25 lbs. The other purpose is to wake up the exhaust on the Elise because frankly, a car like this needs...

Lotus Elise Jack Stand Guide (The “Step” Method)

This guide is a prerequisite for many of the Lotus tutorials on this site. Placing the Lotus Elise on jack stands is a little trickier than most production cars. Due to the Elise’s design and flat underbody there are really only 8 designated “safe” lift points. Also, since the Elise has an...

Lotus Elise Engine Oil and Filter Change

Changing the oil in the Lotus Elise is a relatively simple proceedure but first you will have to remove the rear undertray. Also, you can skip to the bottom for my recommendations on oil type and change intervals. Tools and Supplies 4 quarts oil (I use Mobil 1 15w-50) Oil filter (K&N HP1003 or...

Lotus Elise Rear Undertray / Rear Splitter Removal

The Lotus Elise is one of the few production cars that comes with a full body undertray. So when you look under the Elise, instead of seeing exposed lines and pipes (fuel/coolant/brake/exhaust) what you are met with is a flat sheet that runs the length of the car. This design feature is a blessing...

Introducing Project Lotus Elise

This is perhaps the most difficult project introduction I have ever written. There is so much emotion wrapped up in this car that no matter what I write it just seems wrong. I want to tell the story of how I came face to face with a pristine Type 72D Lotus Elise that had sat on the dealers lot...

The Obituary of Project 240sx

Now that I’ve shed my lackadaisical ways of the last two years its time I address the elephant in the room. Project 240sx is officially and completely dead and let’s just say I have mixed emotions about the whole sordid turn of events. Project 240sx didn’t go out in the blaze of...

Site relaunch countdown!

Update: 01/03/2013 Just dropping by, the site is now moved to its new host and I am working on the new theme as we speak. You may notice a few images missing but they should be back shortly. I’m also going to start posting the new content I’ve been promissing for sooo long. 12/30/2012...

Atlas Shrugged Part 1.

Way off topic but I want to share a little love for one of my favorite books. Part 1 of the Atlas Shrugged movie premiering April 15th, 2011. Visit the Official Atlas Shrugged Movie Web Site!


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The Crew @ Memphis International Raceway